
Pull Cord Switch

Pull Cord Switch Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters

A pull cord switch is a safety switch used in various industrial applications to provide a quick and easy means for emergency shutdown. It is typically used to stop the operation of machinery or equipment in situations where a hazardous condition, such as equipment malfunction, equipment jamming, or personnel endangerment, is detected. The switch is operated by manually pulling a cord or cable, which activates the switch mechanism to stop the equipment or trigger an alarm.

As These switches are used as safety or emergency switch, It is not operated very frequently, therefore, construction of these switches is such that it should be operated immediately though it kept idle for a long time. Pull cord switch is housed in dust and weatherproof enclosure with IP65 grade of protection. Sturdy and heavy-duty cam-Switch with robust contacts is used to give longer service life. Operating handle fitted with spring steel rings at both ends for fixing the rope. The design of the rings gives maximum flexibility in operating condition. The enclosure is epoxy painted to give high corrosion resistance. The switch is designed with manual reset type of mechanism.

Pull Cord Switch Manufacturers, Pull Cord Switch Suppliers, Pull Cord Switch Exporters

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